In the wake of the March 11th devastating 9.0 earthquake, resulting monstrous tsunami, continual after shocks, nuclear plant troubles, power blackouts and tremendous difficulties getting supplies to areas that need them most - my heart is absolutely broken for Japan.
I know Japan will come out of this stronger than before. The Japanese people are amazing in their strength and resilience.
In the mean time, I want to do all I can to help - even though I'm thousands of miles away.
If you haven't donated to help our neighbors in Japan, please consider doing so. Here are a few links for you - to make it nice and easy.
Maki (author of Just Bento and Just Hungry blogs) has put together a terrific list of legitimate agencies and groups that are providing help.
Google created an information page with donation info, missing person info, transportation and power updates, etc.
I know the big fund raiser is usually the Red Cross. But one of my favorites, the Salvation Army is also working in Japan. Japan is used to being on the giving end and not the receiving end of work from the Salvation Army. But now the Salvation Army has disaster teams active in Japan and easy ways to donate to the help efforts.
The Girl Scouts (and I am a brand new Daisy Troop leader) is also doing what they can. Donations can be made to help out and paper cranes as an expression of support and friendship can be made and sent - here's the news clip.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected in Japan. Japan - know that you are thought of with love every single day. I wish I could do more for you.
I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to all Japanese people suffering from this disaster.
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