Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quilts for Japan

Quilts. Such amazing examples of delicately pieced works of art.  (I never imagined myself making a quilt.  Far too precise for me.)

I'd been scouring the internet for something tangible I could do to help the people in the devastated areas of Japan.  When I came across the Call for Quilts for Japan from Quilters Newsletter - it was then I knew I'd be diving into this new craft.  My local fabric store was awesome and so helpful!  I wasn't sure where to begin or even what pattern might be a good first project, but they helped me find a simple pattern, the batting and backing, and the nifty even feed foot that helped sew through the many layers.  There wasn't time to have a long arm quilter quilt it.  So I ventured out and tried that too.  (Two days of wrangling the many layers to quilt it!)

The process really gave me respect for those who choose this art form as their expression.  Wow, it's a lot of work! 

Today the little quilt will be shipped out with a note to it's recipient.  I'm so excited to have it done and ready to start the first part of it's journey.

Maki, bless her heart, helped me translate the note into Japanese.  Here's the message in English.
Even though we've never met and we're half a world apart, with every stitch of this quilt you've been thought of and prayed for.  It's my first quilt.  I chose the 8 pointed star for luck and red as the background color for happiness.  My hope is that this quilt will bring you comfort and warmth.

1 comment:

  1. whoa, what a lovely quilt! you are generous to donate it.


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